Oklahoma Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf

Richard Mullins Award

Richard Mullins was seen as one of the most supportive deaf individuals for interpreters.  He presented workshops which allowed Oklahoma to be seen as a model for other states.  He and his wife attended every OKRID conference and help mold OKRID into what it is today.  He did all this of his own goodwill without request for payment.  Richard was a warm and caring individual whose mission was to help interpreters succeed. To honor his memory OKRID established the Richard Mullins Award.

Nominations for this award generally open around March 1 each year and are awarded at the conference.

Previous recipients of the Richard Mullins award include:

Sherrie Black, Kathy Niblett, and Linda Dyer - 1989
Janna Byrd - 1990
DeAnn Martin - 1991
Joni Bice - 1992
Traci Prince - 1993
Sandie Busby 1994
Brenda Carpenter - 1995
Ruth Strozdas - 2002
Kathie Jones - 2003
Jeanette Buttram - 2004
Susan Nelson and Lisa Mathes - 2005
Ruth Strozdas - 2006
Linda Blue - 2007
Sandie Busby - 2009
Adam Marlin - 2010
Jeanette Buttram & LV Berglund - 2011
Charo Guillory and Terri York - 2012
Joan Blake - 2013
Mary Jo Barnes - 2014
Stephanie Nichols - 2016
Kena Lundy and Jake Alexander - 2017
Calista Choate - 2018
Jimmy Mitchell, Glenna Cooper, and Rachel Hollis - 2020
BA Launch Team - Janice Woods, Taylor Woodall-Green, Ben Davis, Glenna Cooper, Rhoda Smietanski - 2022
D'Andra Parsons & Suzanne Graham - 2023
Anne Byrd - 2024

Award nominations for 2025 are now open. Nominate a colleague here!

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